Wednesday, April 9, 2008

POLITICS: Someone Educated These Fairies

Mike Huckabee, former Republican presidential candidate and complete waste of a human, holds many conservative (a.k.a. stupid) views. For example, he is in favor of: building a 700ft fence on the Mexican border to prevent immigration (who would run delicious Taco Bell?), isolating those with AIDS from the general population (maybe he's afraid of getting sneezed on by Magic Johnson), and believes our children should be taught creationism in public schools (you know, that theory supported by all those facts in that big factual book of facts).

In fact, he once said, "There’s never been a civilization that has rewritten what marriage and family means and survived." In essence, Huckabee believes gay marriage will be the end of society. Apparently these guys missed the memo:

A quote from the jingle "And as I recall, I think, we both kinda liked him." I'm guessin the guy on the right with the lazy eye and extra chromosome is the taker. Maybe they thought Huckabee stood for a binding price-ceiling on smooth peanut butter and Indian food, or just handing it out. These guys just need to shit out their semen logs and realize that Huckabee hates them...wrongfully I might add. If I've said it once I've said it a million times - nothing wrong with being gay, just being a conservative.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.