Sunday, April 13, 2008

TECH: Pii Pii

A game titled "Super Pii Pii Brothers" is available in Japan, testing out gamers ability to pee. Simply strap on the the belt and plug in your Wii remote and you are ready to enter a virtual bathroom where the goal is to get as much pee in the toilets as possible, with bonuses for pissing on pets, and penalties for dripping on the floor - just like in real life. Not only can gamers enhance their pissing skills but chicks without dicks can experience peeing with a penis.

Product Features:
Amazing Realistic Pee Fluid Dynamics
Comes with game disc and Wiimote belt harness
Includes cross regional boot disc to allow play on US Wii consoles
Over 100 different peeing environments with multiple toilet and urinal styles
Up to two players can compete with dueling pee streams

Why the fuck is the girl at the end wearing a helmet for?


Kevin said...

initial excitement of blogging wear off perhaps?? keep it coming beoch!

Anonymous said...

more writing please

Anonymous said...

Where'd you go ??? Bored so soon ?

Anonymous said...


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